Zukowski Travel Award
Mark Zukowski was a graduate student in Genetics in 1975-1982. He had an illustrious career at Amgen, retired at 55, started a vineyard (he is an avid enologist), and now is giving back to the programs (undergraduate and graduate) that got him started. He is especially interested in helping students get to conferences, because the college sponsored his travel to a conference in a later year and it was a transformative experience.

Herbert E. Carter Travel Award
The Herbert E. Carter Travel Award Program has been established in honor of Dr. Carter's spirit and passion for interdisciplinary scholarship and research in higher education. The award provides up to $600 per year to GIDP students for National or International travel to a conference/professional meeting.

Raphael and Jolene Gruener Research Travel Award
The Graduate Interdisciplinary Programs (GIDP) started the Raphael and Jolene Gruener Research Travel Award in 2011. The Grueners have been tireless supporters of interdisciplinary research and education at the University of Arizona. They are also well known for their love of travel. The Gruener Research Travel Award will support awards that fund student research travel, bringing together these two passions of the Grueners.
The award is intended to offset some of the costs associated with international or domestic travel expenses such as airfare, and meals. This is a meritorious award and will be granted on the competitive and innovative content of the statement submitted with the application. Awards are contingent upon the availability of funds. Students are eligible to receive a total of $1,000 per award year. Students may submit only one application per award year during the open application session.

The Margaret Kidwell Endowment
The Genetics Graduate Interdisciplinary Program (GIDP) initiated a fundraising campaign in August 2013 for an annual distinguished lectureship in Genetics at the University of Arizona in honor of Dr. Margaret G. Kidwell, Regents’ Professor Emerita of the Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology (EEB), and previous Chair of the Genetics GIDP.
Margaret Kidwell is renowned for her pioneering studies of transposable genetic elements (jumping genes) and as a role model for women scientists. Margaret’s fascination with genetics started early as a small girl growing up on her father’s pedigree poultry farm in the English Midlands during World War II.